Wednesday 18 February 2015

Moving, Redirecting...

Well, after a good year with Blogger, I have decided to move my blog to Wordpress. Until I figure out how to redirect you all without much inconvenience,

If anyone can help me out, please do comment. Might save me some time.
Until next time,

May Your Darkness guide you to Your Light!

Monday 26 January 2015

A Surge of Positivity

Yes, I'm actually feeling positive. I read somewhere that if you reflect upon just three good things of that day before you sleep, it makes you feel better. If you write it down, it will make you feel even more positive.
The idea behind writing down things that made you feel good on the said day is to make you relive those good moments. When your mind is focused on the good, reminded of the good, it begins to believe in the good. And trust me, I did that and well, it's worked. I have been more positive in these 25 days than I had been last year.
Ah well, so much for the name of my blog.
I really don't know if what I say makes any sense to anyone. I tend to drift in and out of random thoughts. The typical ADHD type of behaviour. But it isn't that bad, you know. It just goes to show that I have a lot in my mind that I am dying to articulate. And that delivery of thoughts might get messed up. There is an idea everywhere. You just need to see it. Maybe read between the line (Maybe that will help).
But just to clarify, I'm not promoting any satanic cult or probing you towards the dark side. I'm just sharing my thoughts, which linger in and around the grey area. I won't say there isn't any black or white. I'm just saying it's up to you. Either you can look at the grey, the black or the white. Your perception really does make a difference.
What you perceive is what you believe. And belief, as many have seen in the past, can demolish buildings; moving mountains might be next on the list.
Well, let me know if this made you think.

May Your Darkness guide you to Your Light!

Saturday 24 January 2015

No, I haven't forgotten.

To whomsoever it may concern,
I have not forgotten about my blog. I simply didn't have anything to say. I had taken a break from my hectic schedule. Well, I guess I'm going back to it then.
I don't know if my posts this year will make sense or not. I make no promises. But I will make them, no matter how nonsensical.

May Your Darkness guide you to Your Light!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

No New Year Post...

No new year post? Nah... I didn't want to do that.
I started the year with a mini vacation. Finished writing my book. Done with over 225k words, meaning my book will be roughly 666 pages.
Ah well, starting work on editing today onwards. For now it's inhouse, but making plans for professional help. Already in talks with legal consultants.
Didn't think I had in me, did you?

Friday 26 December 2014

Nearing the End of another Year

The year is coming to an end. This has been a hell of a rollercoaster ride from hell to heaven with a ticket cut to Genabackis right after finishing off Westeros. Yes, geeky.
I've had my ups and downs. I've had my share of drama. My time in the light, my epiphanies in the dark. I started this blog for absolutely no reason other than the fact that I love to write. And well, Here I stand (sit actually) barely 10,000 words from finishing my very first novel. Yes, that is what I have been up to all year. But it wasn't an easy ride. Actually it was. The supplements of my real life however weren't.
Understand this, I keep saying look to the dark, tread in the dark, etc., etc. because I don't think the darkness is wrong. Hell, it is only one side of the coin. Nothing is bad. Well, Godhra was bad. But never mind.
I've come to a point where I can really see how far I have come. Not just with my novel, but with my life. In less than a year, I wrote over 214914 words. And well, I have lived much and more than that. And with every incident that has passed, I can see how it has all affected me. I've made terrible mistakes, realised terrible wrongs and tried to right all I could.
Just look back to your year and see how much you've done. How much have you suffered? How much have you lived? Every instance that will flash in your mind will show you how great your life has been. Or not. Depends on your perception.
I've done not so socially acceptable things this year (nothing illegal), and well I'm happy. That is what matters. (Fuck, I'm cheesy. I see know how much I might have changed as well.)
Anyways, hope you guys had a great year.

May the Darkness guide you to Your Light!

Saturday 6 December 2014

How to avoid killing yourself by killing someone else instead

Yeah, that is the title. I'm getting good at this, aren't I? Don't answer that.
Well, suicide is a frowned upon act, and in many ways it is extremely hurtful. Some people say suicide isn't the end of life, it is the end of pain and misery. But well, if your life is full of pain and misery, perhaps you do need to end it. Wait, before you slit yourself, let me make this clear. Suicide is an option. But there is a better option. Homicide.
You aren't the only person suffering. There are starving children in Africa, idiots on the internet blabbering about stuff that takes your attention off the important events, and many other assholes. No one truly deserves to die. But hey, you don't always get what you deserve. 
Don't kill yourself because you didn't get what you want, because your lacking something. You have it in you. You have everything you need inside you. All you need is a little push (not off a cliff).
Before you think that 'I am done. I have nothing to live for...' think again. Perhaps you do. There are people who you think don't need you. You're wrong. You don't need them. Cut them off (not literally). Homicide is illegal. So don't just read the title and murder someone. It was just my way of attracting you here so you would read what I have. Not all you read on the internet is true. But it can and should make you think
We are programmed to follow, not to think. And well, if you follow your guts and kill yourself, you'll be preventing a whole series of events that might happen just because of your existence. On the contrary, if you decide to dedicate your life to saving lives, being a vigilante or just simple social service, well you can do much better. The point is to think. Renovate your perceptions. Sometimes, the darkness is what holds the greatest of treasures. Remember, light did not exist till after a crapload of years. If the world could survive in the dark then, well, we can still do so. Just because the sun shines doesn't mean the shadows are any darker. Maybe the shadows are trying to help you.
Forget about what society tells you. They're nutjobs. Think for yourselves. Open your mind and throw away those suicidal thoughts.
As for homicide, well by killing, I meant cut them off. Let them be dead to you. Their existence shouldn't matter. And if you really want to kill, then kill the people all you want but only in your head. Sometimes visualising murder can calm you down. But if it is getting out of hand, please see a psychiatrist.
I hope I don't get sued for this.
My posts are getting weirder I feel...

May the Darkness guide you to Your Light!

Monday 24 November 2014

We need more Diverse Books

Well, I'm not the kind of person really motivates you to go do something great, except maybe call the Cthulhu (not sure if that is the best of ideas). But I did read something that I found really interesting. Trust me, it deals with the many discriminations that we do subconsciously just because our parents didn't let us walk around naked when we were kids. Too random but it is the fundamentals that matter the most.
Chuck Wendig, well known Penmonkey (whose blog I almost regularly follow) wrote this extremely long but worth the time spent read. I don't know how ethical it is to share another man's work on my blog, but then again we have Bollywood. So shamelessly, I share here with you something that I believe you must read.

If you are lazy (like most of us are), then here is what he shared at the end of his post: "The We Need Diverse Books Indigogo Campaign"

I won't tell you to do anything. I'm sure your sick of your parents, teachers, politicians, and PS4s telling you what to do.

May the Darkness guide you to Your Light!

Sunday 9 November 2014


What is the point of all this? It all sums down to bare essentials, and what is more essential than money? Well, social acceptance. It can kill a mother and orphan a child, all the while accepting sexual abuse and religious fanaticism. This is the fucked up society we live in.
I'm just sitting here ranting on but what more can I do? I'm no superman, neither do I have any strong connections. My greatest weapons are my words, that is if they are read. I can simply propagate ideas. And when I am at my lowest, even they might not work.
Seeing this fucked up society, I feel ashamed of being a human.
It makes me feel... Suicidal.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Cool Weather

There is a serene violence that ensues in the skies these days, complemented by the deafening bursts of light that a simple fire can trigger. Today, after a long time it drizzled in Mumbai and the weather finally seems to be calming down. The cold is preparing to set in and life seems a dull yet peaceful journey. The pleasurable atmosphere made me appreciate the lighter things in life today, something that my phone or macbook could never allow me to.
This is one of the rare positive posts I have written. And honestly, I do not intend to be dark all the time, but somehow being dark allows me to look at things with a different perspective, and present it with an intense force.
I don't know how many of you actually bother reading my rants and my posts, but whoever does, I wish you a good day. The weather was good to me, so I can be less dark for once.